

Acupuncture, one of the principal treatments in the practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine, promotes healing by regulating the body's flow of qi (vital life force, pronounced "chee".) When qi stagnates, is blocked, or is too plentiful, illness results. When energy flows freely wellbeing is restored.

What does it feel like to have an acupuncture treatment?

During the insertion of needles, some people feel nothing, while others experience a quick twinge, which may be followed by tingling, heaviness or warmth. Unlike hypodermic needles that are used for injections, acupuncture needles are solid, remarkably thin, and therefore cause very little (if any) pain. Needles generally remain in place for 20-40 minutes. During (and after) acupuncture treatments, patients often describe a pleasant feeling of calm and relaxation. This feeling frequently persists for many hours after the needles are removed.

Symptom relief may occur immediately, or in the few days following treatment. For complex, longstanding complaints, several sessions are usually required, generally once or twice a week.

General Benefits of Acupuncture: Quality Sleep, Decreased Stress Response, Pain Reduction, Regulated Digestion


Herbal Medicine

Chinese herbal medicine is one of the most sophisticated and effective herbal systems in the world, with an unbroken tradition dating back to the 3rd century BC. Throughout its history it has dynamically responded to changing clinical conditions and it continues to evolve with the integration of current diagnostic techniques and knowledge.

The main objective of Chinese herbal medicine is to protect, restore and balance the body. While much of modern, pharmaceutical-based medicine focuses on suppressing symptoms, herbal medicine works to heal ailments at their root. Herbal preparations nourish and strengthen the organs of the body and help to restore proper functioning. They work with the body's innate wisdom, supporting its natural drive to fight disease and maintain health.

All herbs prescribed in my office are from companies with rigorous quality control specifications. They are made with premium raw materials that are safe from heavy metals, yeast, mold, pesticides, herbicides and pollutants.



It is my belief that good food provides the foundation for optimal health and that a wholesome diet may successfully address many conditions that are usually treated with drugs or surgery. An integral part of my treatment program involves nutritional counseling, during which I identify nutrient deficiencies and offer suggestions regarding diet modification and/or supplementation. I also teach my patients how food acts in their bodies and how to determine which foods are best suited for their particular constitution and condition.

I have created an online vitamin/supplement dispensary in order to provide the highest quality supplements to my patients.