Nurturing Life (Yang Sheng)

To me, healthy aging is not just about living a long’s about living a vibrant life with as much physical, emotional and mental freedom as possible.  Our bodies are not built to live indefinitely, however there are things we can do to slow the process of degeneration and enjoy a full life.  There is only so much I can cover in a blog, but in this short article I will share some of the key points that were discussed at the Healthy Aging and Longevity Symposium I recently attended.

The 9 Pillars of Health:

1) Healthy Diet: 

Eat mostly plants-lots of vegetables, herbs, spices and fruit,  fish (twice per week), lots of fiber (which includes whole grains), minimal diary, avoid sugar, avoid alcohol….and don’t eat anything out of a box! Of course there isn’t a “one size fits all” healthy diet, but you get the general idea.  Some of us may require a little more animal protein and some with digestive issues may have to limit certain fruits and vegetables, but these are the general guidelines.

2) Physical Activity:

We need to move our bodies!   At least 4 hours per week of moderate exercise (ie walking, yoga) or….1 1/2 hours of vigorous exercise (running, swimming, HIIT).  It’s important to get an even mix of cardio and weight training in order to keep our heart and muscles strong.  Bone health is especially important for women after menopause and weight bearing exercise puts “good” stress on our bones to keep them strong.  Exercise improves our energy and mood and if done consistently throughout life it will delay (or prevent) the onset of dementia.

3) Avoid Nicotine:

I almost left this one out because it seems so obvious these days, but I decided to include it because actually smoking in any form is detrimental to our health.  This includes vaping..and smoking pot too.  Our lungs are beautifully delicate and any form of intense heat can singe the tissues.  Lung cancer has become the number one most lethal cancer in the U.S. and while smoking is definitely a risk factor it’s surprising that many people diagnosed with lung cancer have never smoked.   The reason for this is unknown, but it makes me wonder if pollution may be partly responsible?  In any case, my recommendation is to treat your lungs kindly by avoiding as many inhaled irritants as possible.  Yoga teaches us that “breath is life” and deep breathing is one of the best ways we can lower stress in our bodies.  Let’s nurture our ability to breathe!

4) Maintain a Healthy Weight:

Obesity is a MAJOR problem in our country.  It’s a very complex issue so I won’t attempt to address all aspects of it in this blog, however, please know that excess fat especially around our organs will  “choke” them  and essentially starve them of oxygen.  This causes chronic inflammation and also depletes the organs of nutrients necessary for proper function and repair.  Most people do not want to carry around extra weight and they often struggle to lose it.  This issue must be dealt with sensitively, but diligently.  If you or a loved one needs some personal guidance and attention please schedule an appointment with me for some one-on-one help.

5) Maintain a Healthy Blood Pressure:

Most people think that the heart pumps the blood, but in actuality it’s the other way around, OUR BLOOD PUMPS OUR HEART.  Picture this, it’s imperative that our blood circulates smoothly through our arteries and veins.  That’s how our whole body receives nutrients and oxygen.  If our blood is too thick and doesn’t move easily our vessels must constrict tightly in order to push the blood along….alas, high blood pressure.  There are other causes of high blood pressure, but most people don’t know that maintaining healthy pressure also requires maintaining healthy blood.   This leads me to the next pillar….

6) Maintain Healthy Lipids (good fat):

Good fat creates healthy “slippery” blood.  And healthy blood circulates more freely throughout the body maintaining healthy blood pressure and a healthy heart.  Good fats also manufacture hormones and support brain health.  They increase satiety and thus help us maintain a healthy weight.  Olive oil is the best!  It’s recommended to consume at least 4 TBSP of high quality extra-virgin olive oil per day.   Second best is avocado oil.  The only oils to steer clear of entirely are partially hydrogenated oils that are found in most packaged and processed foods….and oils that are heated at high temperatures found in deep-fried foods. 

7) Maintain Healthy Blood Sugar:

Protein, Fat & Fiber…these 3 macronutrients help us create healthy blood sugar, which is SO important for healthy aging.  When we eat, our pancreas secretes insulin in order to transport the broken down food (glucose) into our cells.  This is normal and healthy.  But when our blood becomes too saturated with sugar…so much so that our pancreas has to secrete a LOT of insulin in order to “push” it into our cells, that high amount of insulin becomes toxic to the body… increasing cancer risk as well as creating metabolic syndrome.  Overeating in general… and consuming too much sugar and simple carbohydrates (pasta, bread etc.) over time creates a condition where the cells of our body reject the transport of glucose into them.  Sugar and insulin remain in the blood and our bodies MUST do something quick to protect us.  As a protective mechanism our bodies store the sugar as fat in the liver.. and as I mentioned before the more visceral fat we have, the harder it is for our organs to function correctly.   

8) Healthy Sleep:

Studies have shown that sleeping at least 7 hours a night is necessary for optimal health and quality of life.  Healthy sleep improves learning, memory, creativity and mood.  It also strengthens the immune system and makes it easier to maintain a healthy weight.  (Hunger increases when we are sleep deprived.)  There are many things we can do to improve the quality of our sleep.  (See my previous blog post!)  But if you find yourself still struggling, please seek help.  Stress or hormone imbalance may require stronger tools. 

9) Healthy Social Relationships and Attention to Mental Health:

This pillar may actually be the MOST important in regards to healthy aging.  Longevity secrets from the “Blue Zones” reveal that social ties and community interaction are even more important than diet in regards to living better and longer.  If you’re dealing with depression and/or anxiety please don’t ignore your experience.  Reach out for help from a qualified therapist.  Meditation and twelve-step programs can be helpful as well.  The mind and body are inseparable.  Numerous scientific studies have  shown time and time again that there is a direct connection between our thoughts and our physical body. 

In conclusion, these nine pillars of health are similar to the ancient Chinese philosophy of “Yang Sheng”.  Yang Sheng means “Nurturing Life” and is the practice of cultivating health through daily activities.  Rather than treating disease the focus is on maintaining balance and harmony through an awareness of our connection to nature, to our bodies, to our (mind)spirit…and to each other.  Yang Sheng is the essence of  Traditional Chinese Medicine.  

Carrie Tanenbaum